Health Informatics for Health/Life Sciences Students (IHHS 302)

UBC eHealth Summer Credit course

Practical Session on the virtual patient "Sim Man"This 3-credit UBC undergraduate course runs for 3 intensive weeks and introduces emerging health professionals to health informatics opportunities and developments. As technology innovation in healthcare increases, healthcare professionals will need competency in applying information technology in their fields.

Award winning computer science lecturer Dr Kimberly Voll along with various other eHealth experts in medicine, nursing and computer science lead students through a combination of interactive lecture, group discussion, excursions and hands-on activities.

Classes incorporate guest lectures, presentations, group work and visits to the TELUS innovation Centre and the simulation lab at the University Hospital. In addition there will be:

  • intensive work in interprofessional teams
  • online course materials/Case Studies/Directed self study
  • extensive in-class discussion around an ongoing scenario and applied health informatics problems.


IHHS302 students programming the virtual patient "SimMan"