Lindsay Zibrik, M.A.

Lindsay, Arizona, August 2013

Project Manager


Phone: (604) 822-8323

Lindsay holds a Master of Arts in Political Science and a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Political Science from Simon Fraser University. Her Master’s thesis was a focused examination of Government policies and programs addressing obesity in British Columbia (BC). Her work traced the introduction of obesity into public policy, and identified and analyzed the factors that influenced program creation in BC. The implications of Government communications and programs were also analyzed, discerning what obesity programs inferred for obesity management as well as for emerging and related public health problems such as diabetes.

Prior to joining the office, Lindsay worked at the Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI) on research projects encompassing clinical intervention and life-cycle nutrition. Her research interests include chronic disease management, health policy, program development & evaluation, patient-centered care and patient education.

Lindsay is a seasoned and adventurous traveler, and enjoys backpacking, hiking, photography and scuba diving. She plans to see every country in the world by the age of 50.